- Hugo Beirão da Veiga (University of Pisa)
- Daniele Cassani (University of Insubria)
- Patrizia Pucci (University of Perugia)

RISM Workshop "Analysis and PDEs"
The Conference aims at bringing together leading scientists in pure and applied nonlinear analysis and to present high level contributions on recent developments in qualitative and quantitative analysis of nonlinear partial differential equations. It will be an occasion for celebrating Vicentiu Radulescu on the occasion of his 65th birthday.
https://www.rism.it/events/analysis-and-pdesScientific Committee
Organizing Committee
- Henri Berestycki (Centre d’Analyse et de Mathématique Sociales, Paris)
- Lucio Boccardo (Università Sapienza di Roma)
- Francesca Crispo (Università degli Studi della Campania)
- J. Paolo Dias (University of Lisbon)
- Josef Diblik (Brno University of Technology)
- Roberta Filippucci (Università di Perugia)
- Franco Flandoli (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa)
- Genni Fragnelli (Università degli Studi della Tuscia)
- Giovanni Paolo Galdi (University of Pittsburgh)
- Olivier Goubet (Université de Lille)
- Chao Ji (East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai)
- Salvatore Marano (Università degli Studi di Catania)
- Feliz Minhós (Universidade de Évora)
- Enzo Mitidieri (Università degli Studi di Trieste)
- Paolo Marcellini (Università di Firenze)
- Giovanni Molica Bisci (Università di Urbino Carlo Bo)
- Dimitri Mugnai (Università degli Studi della Tuscia)
- Nikolaos Papageorgiou (National Technical University, Athens)
- Delia Schiera (Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon)
- Adelia Sequeira (Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon)
- Enzo Vitillaro (Università di Perugia)
- Runzhang Xu (Harbin Engineering University)
- Weiping Yan (Guangxi University)
- Binlin Zhang (Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao)
- Jian Zhang (Hunan University of Technology and Business)
- Jianjun Zhang (Chongqing Jiaotong University)
- Xuexiu Zhong (South China Normal University, Guangzhou)
- Marilene Balbi (Mathematische Nachrichten)
- Hugo Beirão da Veiga (University of Pisa)
- Henri Berestycki (Centre d’Analyse et de Mathématique Sociales, Paris)
- Lucio Boccardo (Università Sapienza di Roma)
- Daniele Cassani (University of Insubria)
- Francesca Crispo (Università degli Studi della Campania)
- J. Paolo Dias (University of Lisbon)
- Josef Diblik (Brno University of Technology)
- Roberta Filippucci (Università di Perugia)
- Franco Flandoli (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa)
- Genni Fragnelli (Università degli Studi della Tuscia)
- Giovanni Paolo Galdi (University of Pittsburgh)
- Olivier Goubet (Université de Lille)
- Chao Ji (East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai)
- Salvatore Marano (Università degli Studi di Catania)
- Feliz Minhós (Universidade de Évora)
- Enzo Mitidieri (Università degli Studi di Trieste)
- Paolo Marcellini (Università di Firenze)
- Giovanni Molica Bisci (Università di Urbino Carlo Bo)
- Dimitri Mugnai (Università degli Studi della Tuscia)
- Nikolaos Papageorgiou (National Technical University, Athens)
- Patrizia Pucci (University of Perugia)
- Delia Schiera (Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon)
- Adelia Sequeira (Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon)
- Enzo Vitillaro (Università di Perugia)
- Linlin Wang (Harbin Institute of Technology)
- Xiaoliang Xie (Hunan University of Technology and Business)
- Runzhang Xu (Harbin Engineering University)
- Weiping Yan (Guangxi University)
- Binlin Zhang (Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao)
- Jian Zhang (Hunan University of Technology and Business)
- Jianjun Zhang (Chongqing Jiaotong University)
- Xuexiu Zhong (South China Normal University, Guangzhou)
Poster Session
- Gurdev Chand Anthal (Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi)
- Diksha Gupta (Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi)
- Sushmita Rawat (Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi)
- Linlin Wang (Harbin Institute of Technology)
Monday, May 29
- 9:00 - Opening
- 9:20 - Regularity for elliptic equations under general growth conditions, P. Marcellini
- 9:55 - Recent results on superharmonic functions in a half space, E. Mitidieri
- 10:30 - Global existence and blow up of solutions for pseudo-parabolic equation with singular potential, Runzhang Xu
- 11:00 - Coffee break
- 11:15 - Remarks on Boussinesq eddy viscosity hypothesis from a stochastic analysis perspective, F. Flandoli
- 11:50 - Linear delayed integro-differential equations and their uniform exponential stability, J. Diblik
- 12:25 - Multiplicity results for generalized quasilinear critical Schrödinger equations in RN, R. Filippucci
- 12:55 - Lunch
- 14:30 - Nonlocal critical problems with jumping nonlinearities, G. Molica Bisci
- 15:05 - Another look at planar Schrodinger-Newton systems, Jianjun Zhang
- 15:35 - Coffee break
- 16:00 - On a parabolic p-Laplacian system of Burgers type, F. Crispo
- 16:35 - Double phase problems with competing potentials: concentration and multiplication of ground states, Jian Zhang
Tuesday, May 30
- 9:00 - Hopf Bifurcation and Resonance in a Fluid-Structure Problem, G.P. Galdi
- 9:35 - How much is positive the weak solution to a dirichle problem with positive datum?, L. Boccardo
- 10:10 - Magneto-optic effects in the motion of the director field of a nematic liquid crystal, J.P. Dias
- 10:40 - Coffee break
- 11:10 - Three evolution problems modelling the interaction between acoustic waves and non–locally reacting surfaces, E.Vitillaro
- 11:45 - Degenerate wave equations with a drift term: new results on stabilization, G. Fragnelli
- 12:20 - On Bartsch-Jeanjean-Soave's open problem and a global branch approach to the study of normalized solution problem, Xuexiu Zhong
- 12:50 - Lunch
- 14:30 - Multiplicity and concentration results for the magnetic Schrodinger equations with exponential critical growth in R2, Chao Ji
- 15:05 - Spectral optimization for weighted anisotropic problems with Robin conditions, D. Schiera
- 15:40 - On a critical and singular Kirchhoff-type problem, Binlin Zhang
- 20:00 - Social Dinner
Wednesday, May 31
- 9:30 - Singular Double Phase problems, N.Papageorgiou
- 10:05 - Stabilizability for a quasilinear Klein-Gordon-wave system with variable coefficients, Weiping Yan
- 10:40 - Nonlocal planar Schrödinger-Poisson systems in the fractional Sobolev limiting case, G. Romani
- 11:10 - Coffee break
- 11:40 - Non-existence results for an eigenvalue problem involving Lipschitzian nonlinearities with nonpositive primitive, O. Goubet
- 12.15 - On some mixed operators, D. Mugnai
- 12.50 - The stability-compactness method and qualitative properties of nonlinear elliptic equations, H. Berestycki
- 13:20 - Lunch
Riemann International School of Mathematics, Varese, Italy