A topological duality for M3−lattices

Aldo V. Figallo, María Adoración Jiménez


In this article we determine a topological duality for M3−lattices, introduced by
A. V. Figallo in the journal Rev. Colombiana de Matem´atica, XXI, 1987 ([3]). By means of this duality we describe the congruences and the subdirectly irreducible M3−lattices and reach some of Figallo’s results in a different way.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 06D75; Secondary 06D30, 03G20.
Key words and phrases. M3−lattices, Priestley duality, congruences, subdirectly irreducible algebras.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.52846/ami.v45i2.764