
A job in IT - how to get it?

We will go through the most important aspects of presenting yourself using a CV and an application letter, together with some tips and examples of the most common mistakes made when you wish to get your first dream job!

Difficulty: beginner

Format: 2 sessions x 2h

Trainers: Carmen Dobre si Gabriel Paunica

NetRom Software, Senior Software Developers

A list<> of data structures you should add in your learning queue<> part n

Sometimes it even feels like there is a decision to make every time you need to solve a problem. This talk will help you make the best informed decisions on when and why to use some data structures to the detriment of others.

I will explain the mechanics behind some data structures, and we'll deep dive into the meaning and usage of the most common ones.

We'll discover, by lots of examples, the strengths and weaknesses of each data structure and find good use cases for:

  • Vector and List
  • Stack and Queue
  • Hash Table
  • Graphs and Trees
  • Heap.

Difficulty: beginner - introductory

Format: 3 sessions x 2h

Requirements: basic knowledge of programming concepts

Telechi Nicolae

Trainer: Nicolae Telechi

Caphyon, Senior Software Developer

Android dev using Kotlin

This course will introduce you into the basic concepts of creating a native Android application using Kotlin. We will start with basics of Android, like creating simple user interfaces and having an introduction to layout scaling, then we continue adding functionality to our apps, so the user can interact with the UI.

We will learn about fragments and will end up with an application that use Firebase and its features like, Firebase authentication, Firebase Cloud Messaging, Firebase Realtime Database, Storage.

Difficulty: beginner - intermediate

Format: 2 sessions x 2h

Octavian Ploscaru

Trainer: Octavian Ploscaru

NetRom Software, Software Developer

Cloud computing - An introduction to AWS

Game servers, mining crypto, everything that you post on your social media and then sells for infinite $$, your very first awesome web app, even your grandma's phone contacts, everything goes to the cloud.

Let's find out together:

  • What's that cloud everyone talks about?
  • Why do we use it?
  • How much does it cost?
  • Can I use it too?

Difficulty: introductory

Format: 2 sessions x 2h

Requirements: basic knowledge of programming concepts

Andrei Zuica

Trainer: Andrei Zuica

Caphyon, Full Stack Developer

Cologne for Code

When you go to the shop and buy a perfume, you don't buy eau de parfum tomates pourries, you buy something that actually smells nice. Just like perfume, code has a smell as well; some code smells nice, other code smells bad. In this one-session presentation we will pursue a synesthesia of olfactory senses and our code-creating brain, examining cases good and bad. We will try to conceive a perfume of sorts, a cologne for code so that our code doesn't end up stinking up the IDEs and user-experience of other people.

Difficulty: introductory

Format: 1 session x 2h

Requirements: basic knowledge of programming concepts

Gabriel Diaconita

Trainer: Gabriel Diaconita

Caphyon, Senior Developer

Control your code from GitHub with Source Tree

Begin using a version control that will help you develop a project like in a software company.

You will learn how to:

  • Add a repository in Source Tree
  • Make a commit
  • Modify the most recent commit
  • Create a branch and merge
  • Push, pull, fetch, and rebase

Difficulty: beginner

Format: 1 session x 2h

Requirements: none

Marina Rusu

Trainer: Marina Rusu

Caphyon, .NET Developer

Cybersecurity, Intro to Penetration testing

How many times did you hear the words "hacker", "cyber attacks", "cybersecurity" in the last few years? There's no surprise that facing these kind of threats occurs more and more often. Surrounded by apps and cloud storage, it is mandatory to be able to protect yourself with some basic and very helpful tips which come handy in your day to day activities. Furthermore, you will learn how to test your application so the security vulnerabilities are significantly lower for you, the application owner, and your users.

Keep in mind: When security vulnerabilities are significantly lower -> security risks are significantly lower for you.

Difficulty: beginner - intermediate

Format: 1 session x 2h

Trainers: Ovidiu Epure si Mihaita Bercea

NetRom Software, Software Developers

Getting started with frontend development - Angular

It's time to take a look at Google's Angular framework, which is a widely used option for frontend development. We will see what Angular has to offer and explore together the basic architecture of it, building up an example project.

Difficulty: beginner - intermediate

Format: 2 sessions x 2h

Trainers: Maria-Andreea Radu si Beatrice Nistor

NetRom Software, Senior Software Developers

Harness the Power of the Shell

Computers do our bidding, in more ways than one, with multiple operating systems and ways of user interaction, such as mouse & keyboard and touch. One way of interaction however, the command-line tool, also known as the shell, is not known by many but is one of great power, offering heaps of helpful commands to the knowledgeable user.

This two-part lecture will initiate you to the world of PowerShell, available from Windows to Linux and macOS. We will explore its fundamentals, how to make use of the command pipeline and in part II touch deeper in how to do complex coding tasks using PowerShell.

Difficulty: introductory - medium

Format: 2 sessions x 2h

Gabriel Diaconita

Trainer: Gabriel Diaconita

Caphyon, Senior Developer

How to take control over the world your projects using GIT

In this presentation you will learn what Version Control is, why you need to use it in your projects and how to use it efficiently.

The git technology will be explained both for beginners and intermediates alike, with real-world examples. Basic knowledge is not required, we'll start from scratch.

Difficulty: Easy-Medium

Format: 1 session x 2h

Artur Bozieac

Trainers: Artur Bozieac si Gabriel Nedianu

Syncro Soft, Software Developer

Introduction to Design Patterns

This event will present the basic concepts of Design Patterns, including types of Design Patterns, as well as a presentation of the most popular ones. As a bonus, some Java implementation examples are showcased!

The presentation targets a medium audience, so basic OOP notions are required.

Difficulty: Easy-Medium

Format: 1 session x 2h

Alexandru Smarandache

Trainer: Alexandru Smarandache

Syncro Soft, Software Developer

Software Testing Insights

We'll pass through a short history of software quality and we'll discover that software quality is not a myth. The goal is to win as a team, but for this, we should understand how it works.

Difficulty: beginner

Format: 1 session x 2h

Trainers: Monica Iuga si Adrian Gheorghe

NetRom Software, QA Senior Test Engineers

Starting a project 101

Are you ready to explore the endless possibilities of the coding world? Are you ready for some solid tips and tricks? Are you ready to showcase your skills in exciting projects, but you don't know where to start? If the answer is yes, this course is for you. In this beginner-friendly course, we are presenting the tools you need to start a project. Starting from a simple idea, during the two sessions we will navigate through coding best practices and build a web project fit for the summer.

Difficulty: beginner

Format: 2 sessions x 2h

Trainers: Irina Popa si Cristian-Iulian Baciucu

NetRom Software, Senior Software Developers

Tackling Machine Learning Problems

Have a brief introduction of Machine Learning concepts, get through the general steps which should be followed when trying to solve an ML problem. Start discussing a particular ML problem on Kaggle, setup working environment on GoogleColab and have a hands-on session to understand the problem's data-set. After understanding the input data and the desired result of the ML problem, in the second session we will deep dive into different solutions and discuss any participants' ideas and suggestions.

Difficulty: beginner - intermediate

Format: 2 sessions x 2h

Trainers: Teodora Danciulescu si Alex Stoica

NetRom Software, Senior Software Developers

Web entrance - from theory to React

This course presents some of the web development basics. It has one theoretical session where we'll talk about full stack development and one practical session where we'll discover together how to build a modern highly-available application. Discuss, inspect and criticize websites nowadays: best practices, DevTools, performance audits and more.

Difficulty: beginner - intermediate

Format: 2 sessions x 2h

Trainers: Carmen Dobre si Andrei Mateescu

NetRom Software, Senior Software Developers

Welcome to the open source world

"In real open source, you have the right to control your own destiny." - Linus Torvalds

During this course, you will learn about the vast world of open source projects, what they actually are, how to benefit, and how to contribute to this world like a pro.

By joining this class, you will understand how a single developer can build software in the same way as if he had a huge team behind him.

You will see how a single developer can beat a dozen of bare-bone developers by producing faster and more reliable software by properly using open source projects.

Some of the subjects covered in this course include:

  • The recipe for a successful open source project.
  • Setting up an open source project from scratch with an automatic test runner.
  • Instructions on how to deal with open source licenses.

Difficulty: Easy-Medium

Format: 1 session x 2h

Bogdan Dumitru

Trainer: Bogdan Dumitru

Syncro Soft, Software Developer